Monday, August 17, 2009

Mondays & burgers

I don't like 'em. Not one bit. No matter how much I think I get done at work on Fridays, it always seems like the pile on my desk multiplied over the weekend. Sucks.

Last week I used a coupon I got in an e-mail for Omaha Steaks. The coupon was for $15 off an order. Having never ordered from them before, I chose the least expensive item I could get away with and then found a coupon code for free shipping. I got 4 pounds of 8 oz hamburgers for $4.99. Pretty sweet deal.

We made the burgers last night and they were wonderful! I normally don't like any hamburgers but the thin, overcooked fast food ones. I can't finish a "homemade" hamburger. Usually. I finished the entire Omaha Steaks burger. It was packed very tightly, didn't shrink much, and had a ton of flavor. Definitely going to buy again!

Off to do some writing now. My Ashwood saga is finally taking off! Keep your fingers crossed!